Hi [wpc_client_contact_name /]!
Welcome to your Incident Response and Reporting portal page.
From this page you can access all the incident reports and support tickets, Playbooks, & other files that you have access to. [wpc_client_logoutb text=”Logout >” /]
Access Incident Playbook |
Report an Incident |
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Incident Statistics |
Client Support
Looking for some help? Just fill out the Ticket info below and our support team will be in touch soon.
[wpc_client_support_create_ticket priority=”low” category=”” type=”” /]
My Tickets
[wpc_client_support_tickets_list empty_text=”You do not have any open Tickets” /]
Your Files
[wpc_client_files_list file_type=”all” show_sort=”yes” sort_type=”order_id” sort=”desc” categories_sort_type=”name” categories_sort=”asc” show_tags=”yes” show_description=”yes” show_date=”yes” show_size=”yes” show_author=”no” category=”” with_subcategories=”no” show_file_cats=”no” show_last_download_date=”yes” show_thumbnails=”yes” show_search=”yes” show_filters=”yes” filter_condition=”or” show_pagination=”yes” show_pagination_by=”5″ no_text=”You don’t have any files” /]
Your Uploaded Files
[wpc_client_files_table file_type=”all” show_sort=”yes” sort_type=”order_id” sort=”desc” show_tags=”yes” show_description=”yes” show_date=”yes” show_size=”yes” show_author=”no” category=”” with_subcategories=”no” show_file_cats=”no” show_last_download_date=”yes” show_thumbnails=”yes” show_search=”yes” show_filters=”yes” filter_condition=”or” show_bulk_actions=”yes” show_pagination=”yes” show_pagination_by=”5″ no_text=”You don’t have any files” /]
Upload Files Here
[wpc_client_uploadf show_categories=”all” categories=”” auto_upload=”no” include=”” exclude=”” /]